Our History

Mount Maunganui was established in May 2010 with the amalgamation  of the Mount Maunganui Bowling Club and Bowls Cosmopolitan Mount Maunganui clubs.

Both clubs have a proud history with the Mount Maunganui Bowling Club being established in 1925, while the Bowls Cosmopolitan Club was established around 1970.

Mt Maunganui Bowling Club's 75th Jubilee publication reports that in 1925 Mt Maunganui though small in population,was the apple in the eye of rather affluent Waikato farmers who after years of solid toil looked for an isolated haven in which to relax before resuming their agrarian duties back on the farm. It was the foresight of these men that led to the foundation of the Mt Maunganui Bowling Club.

Unfortunately the approach of the Great Depression saw the greens abandoned but on the eve of World War ll the club was resurrected at a meeting on 29th June 1939 and the annual subscription was set at two guineas.

Since the amalgamation that proud history has continued with success on and of the green with almost 200 members and strong in playing talent.

Interesting snippets from Minutes of Meetings of Mount Maunganui Bowling Club.

1939:     That the annual subscription be two guineas for playing members and one guinea for honorary members.

1944:     The Secretary was empowered to arrange the ferry for Tauranga bowlers intending to play at the Mount   A misprint in the timetable had the evening ferry departing Tauranga at 5:30 am instead of 5:30 pm, probably to the consternation of the bowlers wives who must have wondered what sort of shenanigans their husbands would be up to in Tauranga all night.

1946:     (Just after World War ll).  A permit be requested from the Postmaster for tea and sugar for opening day. Rationing was still in force and ration books were issued to individuals for various foodstuffs, clothing, shoes and stockings.  At the Committee meeting following Opening Day it was agreed that Mrs Phillips be sent a letter of thanks for her gift of 1/2lb packet of tea. (Does one presume the Postmaster did not come to light with a permit for tea?)

1947:     At a Special General Meeting members were advised that the cost of laying two greens would be eight hundred and thirty pound. (The Club was moving to a new home).

1954:     The frustration of successfully trying to operate a suitable tea break resulted in Messrs Sycamore and Seed moving and seconding to save time at afternoon tea time bowlers drop their bowls and scram on the ringing of the bell.

1955:     The Club purchased a Ransome 18 mower valued at 120 pounds but discounted to 114 pounds.

1960:     A mixed half day tournament was held to raise funds for a widow of a recent drowning.  Minimum entry fee 5 shillings, no trophies.

1961:     The refreshment room and pavilion to close at 6:00 pm.

1961:     At a Committee Meeting a lengthy and at times heated and acrimonious discussion took place regarding the unsatisfactory draw for an earlier tournament.  Following which there was more acrimonious argument over an unfortunate incident on the green that day.  The meeting degenerated and terminated on a very unhappy note with the majority of members walking out at 8:30 pm.

1961:     Owing to complaints by members wives lodged with the Police re the conduct of members and control (or lack of control) of liquor at our last tournament the President, after consultation with the Police deemed it necessary to call a Special Meeting to formulate rules for the control of the bar. 

1964:     All ladies assisting with catering during the four days of the Combined Clubs Tournament received an order for one pair of nylon stockings to the value of 12 shillings & sixpence, total cost ten pounds three shillings.

2018:     The merged Club has grown into a vibrant body and in 2016 received the Bowls New Zealand Tower Club of the Year.

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